(Montenegro) Kratak podsjetnik za naredne skupove
(Montenegro) 31.maja 2014. subota od 12-14 časova VI Stručni skup Crnogorskog oftalmološkog društva u saradnji sa Pfizerom , u Podgorici „Imanje Knjaz“
(Montenegro) 31.maja 2014. subota od 12-14 časova VI Stručni skup Crnogorskog oftalmološkog društva u saradnji sa Pfizerom , u Podgorici „Imanje Knjaz“
It all starts with the U.E.M.S. (UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDECINS SPÉCIALISTES) i.e. EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, which has members from 34 countries (1.6 millionof medical specialists), and whose activities are conducted through 39...
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT of the Congress in Bucharest, visit the following link: http://www.oftalmologiaromana.ro/en/al-xiii-lea-congres-al-societatii-romane-de-oftalmologie-va-avea-loc-in-perioada-01-04-10-2014-bucuresti/
Invitation for ESCRS Winter meeting in Ljubljana 14-16 febrarywith outlining very low registration fees for Eastern Europe delegates (100 eur) and residents (25 eur), with the same price (25 eur) for ophthalmic nurses. All...
You can see the calendar of some Congresses in the year 2014 on page Congresses and Meetings.
Dear colleagues, It is my pleasure to inform you that International Women’s Club of Montenegro is organizing traditional charity Christmas Bazaar under the slogan “Humanity Connects the Worlds”. We are coorganizing this event with...
The 5th COFD meeting will be held on Saturday, 28 September, 2013, at the hotel “Ramada”, in Podgorica, from 12h-14h, in cooperation with the local wholwsalers of drugs Farmegra from Podgorica and its representatives...
We inform you that the 10th Congress of South- Eastern European Ophthalmological Society with 3rd Congress of Ophthalmologists of Macedonia was held in Ohrid, ten days ago. The congress was attended by about 300...
The report of the children examination in order to get low vision aid and request to the ophthalmologist to refer low vision children (with best corrected visual acuity of 0.3 or less) to our...