
Pursuant to art 12 and 49 of the Law on Non-governmental Organisations (Official Gazette RMN No. 39/11), and art 11 and 24 of the Society Statute, Assembly of Founders of the Montenegrin society of ophthalmology, at session held on 24 March, 2012 in Podgorica, decided on alterations and supplements of the Statute of 10 June 2005 and harmonized the Statute with the new Law on NGOs.





Art 1.

Society of ophthalmology (hereinafter: society) represents a non-governmental organisation that practice development, promotion and implementation of knowledge from the ophthalmology science.

 Art 2.

During the accomplishment of their aims, Society is engaged on the objects directed towards promotion of the ophthalmology, realisation of cooperation with international and other societies and organisations in the country and abroad, as well as organisation of the activities that accomplish the aims of the Society.


 Art 3.

Title of the society: Montenegrin society of ophthalmology.

Abbreviated title of the society is COFD.

Society possesses the capacity of legal entity.

The seat of the society is in Podgorica, Address: Ul. Sadine bb, Tolosi.

Seal of the society is shaped round with text in Cyrillic or Latin letters: CRNOGORSKO OFTALMOLOŠKO DRUŠTVO (meaning: Montenegrin society of ophthalmology).

In the legal transaction with foreign countries, society may use also the title in English language: «Montenegrin society of ophthalmology».


 Art 4.

Objects of the Society are:

– expanding and promoting knowledge of the ophthalmology usage,

– development and promotion of the ophthalmology science,

– informing expert broader publicity on issues of interest for ophthalmology science,

– development and promoting the practice in the field of ophthalmology,

– maintaining and promoting the cooperation with home and foreign societies, organisations and associations in the field of ophthalmology and related fields,

– accomplishment of other aims that are of interest for the members of the Society.


Art 5.

Aims of the Society are:

– organisation of expert, scientific and consulting counselling, public debates and other conventions in the filed of the ophthalmology,

– organisation of tribunes, lectures, seminars, courses and other forms of work, in order to promote the theories and practices of the ophthalmology usage,

– organisation of expert publication activities, by publishing expert magazine and by performing other informative activities,

– giving initiative and providing expert help towards state organs and other organisations and societies in the field of ophthalmology.


 Art 6.

 Members of the Society may be doctors, specialists in the ophthalmology domain, who practice studying, implementation and popularisation of the ophthalmology.

Individuals become members of the Society by filling out the application form for admission.

Society Membership ceases on the basis of request for resign from the membership, or on the basis of exclusion in the case when a member does not observe regulations of this Statute.

Exclusion decision is passed by majority of votes of the Managing Board.

Excluded member possesses the right to turn to the Assembly of the Society, which passes the final decision.

Art 7.

 Members of the Society exercise their rights and duties by engagement upon accomplishment of Society’s aims, as well as by participation in the work of Society’s organs.

Members of the Society have the right and duty to give initiatives and proposals regarding the accomplishment of Society’s aims, work of Society’s organs, to contribute the realisation of aims and promotion of work of the Society’s organs, as well as to participate in the work of the Society’s organs.

Art 8.

 Society may, through the means of reasoned proposal of the Managing Board, declare eminent home and foreign individuals and organisations to be honorary members of the Society.


 Art 9.

 Organs of the Society are:

– Assembly of the Society,

– Managing Board of the Society,

– President of the Society,

– Supervisory Board of the Society.

Managing Board of the Society may also form operative bodies, by means of its decisions.

Assembly of the Society

 Art 10.

 Assembly is the highest organ of the Society.

Assembly consists of all members of the Society, with equal voting rights.

Assembly regularly meets at least once a year, in principle in the spring.

Managing Board convenes the Assembly and prepares the session. President of the (society) Assembly presides over the Assembly.

Managing Board may convene the Extraordinary Assembly also on the basis of reasoned initiative of at least one third of Society’s members.

Assembly will be convened in the period of at least one month from the day of the initiative presentation. Assembly passes decisions, if there is more than half of the total membership present.

Decisions are passed by majority of votes of present members, unless a qualified majority determined by the Statute is needed for passing of certain decisions.

Art 11.

 Assembly of the Society:

– passes the Statute and decides on alterations and supplements of the Statute by two thirds majority of votes of the present members,

– considers and decides on general issues regarding the accomplishment of aims and work of the Society,

– appoints and removes members of the Managing Board by majority of present members’ votes,

– appoints and removes the President by majority of present members’ votes,

– appoints and removes members of the Supervisory Board, by majority of present members’ votes,

– considers and adopts the report regarding the work of Managing Board and Supervisory Board, by majority of present members’ votes,

– passes decision on cessation of the Society’s work by two third majority of votes of present members,

– enacts the rule book regarding its work,

– performs other operations of interest for accomplishment of aims and work of the Society.

 Managing Board of the Society

Art 12.

 Managing Board is executive organ of the Society.

According to the position, Managing Board consists of the President and Secretary of the Society, as well as three members that are being elected by the Assembly from its constitution for the period of four years.

President of the Society simultaneously performs function of the president of Managing Board.

Managing Board decides if more than half of total membership is present, by majority of present members, unless a qualified majority needed for passing certain decisions is not determined by the Statute.

Art 13.

 Managing Board:

– executes decisions and attitudes of the Assembly,

– creates program of work of the Society,

– forms and appoints members of permanent and other working bodies of the Society that are not appointed by Assembly,

– manages the work and takes care of the accomplishment of Society’s aims,

– appoints responsible chief editor and editorial members of the Society’s magazine,

– makes decisions on organisation of expert consultations, seminars, tribunes, lectures and other forms of expert activities of the Society,

– determines the program of international cooperation, takes care of Society’s relations with corresponding international organisations and decides upon joining international associations,

– convenes and prepares sessions of the Assembly,

– proposes alterations and supplementations of the Statute to the Assembly,

– makes decisions regarding the way of internal organisation of the society, establishment of publishing activities and magazine publishing,

– appoints responsible chief editor and editorial members of magazine and other publications,

– determines annual, in other words monthly amount of membership fee, by majority of votes of the present members,

– decides on granting the status of honorary member of the Society,

– decides on starting the courses for education, issues training certificates at courses and determines their form and contents,

– decides on granting awards and recognitions for contribution to development and promotion of aims of the Society,

– enacts financial plan and final account of the Society,

– decides on usage and disposal of assets and property of the Society, by majority of present members’ votes,

– performs other activities of interest for accomplishment of aims and work of Society’s organs that are not in the competence of other organs of the Society.

President of the Society

Art 14.

President represents the Society. President of the Society is elected by the Assembly from its constitution, for the period of four years.

In the case of absence or impediment, President appoints the member of Managing Board for his replacement.

Art 15.

President takes care of legitimacy and regularity of the work of Society.

President convenes, determines order book and presides over the sessions of the Managing Board and takes care of the execution of decisions and performs other activities determined by the Statute.

President has the authorisations of financial principal in relation to assets and property of the Society, and may transfer those authorisations to the authorised entity.

President is responsible for his work to the Assembly of the Society.

Secretary of the Society

Art 16.

Secretary prepares proposals of decisions of Managing Board and conducts current affairs, helps the President and the Managing Board in their work and performs other affairs determined in the acts of the Society.

Secretary is elected by the Managing Board for the period of four years.

Secretary is responsible for the work to the Managing Board.

Supervisory Board of the Society

Art 17.

Supervisory Board performs control of the material-financial business operations of the Society.

Supervisory Board has the president and two members selected by the Assembly for the period of four years.

Supervisory Board performs the control at least once a year. If the Board determines irregularities, it informs the President, in other words Managing Board, in order to undertake procedures for their elimination.

Art 18.

Supervisory Board submits the report on its work to the Assembly.

Supervisory Board is responsible for its work to the Assembly.


Art 19.

President of the Society presents the Society.

Society is represented by the President, in other words by the entity specially authorised by the President.


Art 20.

Society may incorporate, join or affiliate into other home or foreign international associations, societies, chambers and other expert organisations of ophthalmology.

Decision on incorporation, affiliation, joining, in other words appearance of the Society, is made by the Managing Board by majority of present members’ votes.


Art 21.

Society obtains assets from the membership fee, member’s contributions, voluntary donations, presents, donations, bequests of home legal and natural entities, state budget, help of other organisations and associations, as well as its own incomes realised by performing publishing and other activities for the sake of accomplishment of the aims, and in accordance with the law.

Financial plan and final account is made by the Managing Board.


Art 22.

Work of the Society is public.

Membership and public are being informed of work of the Society directly, by means of publications and announcements, or in other corresponding way.

In the name of the Society, announcements for publicity may be given by the President or entity authorised by the President.


Art 23.

Society ceases to work if conditions for accomplishment of its aims do not exist.

Decision on cessation of work, in accordance with the law, is made by the Assembly by two thirds majority of votes of the present members.

In the case of cessation of work, Society’s property belongs to the Montenegrin Society of the Blind.

Cessation of work is reported in the period of thirty (30) days from the day of cessation of work to the competent organ in which the Society was registered, for the sake of elimination from the register.



Art 24.

Alterations and supplements of the Statute are adopted by Assembly, according to adoption procedure.

Proposal for alterations and supplements of the Statute are submitted to the Assembly by the Managing Board on the basis of its own reasoned initiative or on the basis of reasoned initiative of at least 1/10 of the Society’s members.

Competent organ, in which the Society is registered, is being informed on adopted alterations and supplements of the Statute in the period of thirty (30) days from the day of the adoption of alterations and supplements of the Statute.

Art 25.

This Statute comes to effect on the day of adoption by the Assembly and is being enforced from the day of the Society’s registration in the competent organ.


In Podgorica, 24 March, 2012


Antoaneta Adžić-Zečević, MD,PhD

Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology